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Rules of the Arab program to get rid of excess weight

 Rules of the Arab program to get rid of excess weight

Rules of the Arab program to get rid of excess weight

The Arab program to get rid of excess weight is a good diet based on diversification and moderation. This diet has rules, which are:
  1. Consulting a doctor. Some people who suffer from certain conditions may not adhere to it. On a specific diet, or their consumption of an element must be more than other people, and this applies to pregnant and breastfeeding women, and in some cases of food allergies.
  2. Do not start a diet unless you are actually overweight, because excessive thinness is a disease that causes Many problems, such as obesity. Losing weight gradually is better. If we want to lose 30 kilograms in a period of two or three months and building muscles through exercise in place of fat prevents the return of the lost weight, and diets that cause significant weight loss in a relatively short period are considered dangerous diets for health.
  3. Enjoy. By eating, this gives your body the opportunity to receive signals of satiety from the brain. It is also unreasonable to spend two hours or more cooking food in order to eat it in ten minutes.
  4. No to one-type diets and programs that depend on eating one specific type of food for several days. Days or those that depend on liquids. These programs are very difficult and very dangerous and cause a constant state of longing for food.... Food, if we choose it well, is the engine of an active life and one of the pleasures of life that we should enjoy instead of avoiding. Usually, losing weight is not related to eating. Less as far as it relates to the type of food.
  5. No to the scale every day, as the weight changes from one day to the next, and sometimes on the same day, depending on certain factors. The weight may remain the same, and the body puts muscle in the place of excess fat.
  6. Sports are important, and movement will increase the secretion of endorphins, which help you feel comfortable and not tired.
  7. Do not forget about unsaturated fats, as it has been shown that men who eat mashed potatoes containing monounsaturated fats Taken from sunflower and soybean oils, they feel less hungry for a period ranging between four and eight hours compared to others who eat the same meal if it is prepared with saturated fats, such as butter, for example, but perhaps it has something to do with the satiety factor provided by monounsaturated fats, which is superior to its counterpart in Saturated fats, which are usually of animal origin. Eating a salad with olive oil prolongs the period of satiety more than if we eat it without the oil, and it also reduces the amount of food, especially if we eat the salad before the meal. Monounsaturated fats are found in walnuts, olives, soybeans and other plant sources. But you should know that one tablespoon of these oils contains 125 calories. Excessive consumption of these fats leads to the opposite of the desired result, which is to stop eating for a longer time.
  8. If you are a bread lover like most people and you cannot do without food. About him (bread addict) And if your breakfast includes rusks, dried bread, or toast, let’s try barley bread with corn, along with a plate of cereals or legumes... For example, let’s try eating the latter at eight-thirty in the morning, then toasted barley bread at ten o’clock. This can be replaced with a plate of carrots, lettuce and tomatoes. In this way, we will enjoy ourselves, eat less caloric food, and eat less food for lunch. A team of researchers has discovered that people who deliberately eat their meals in stages feel less hungry before the time of the next meal, so their calorie consumption decreases by 25%. Many experts confirm that the best way to eat is to eat four or five small meals a day. Imagine a cup of tea. Milk with rusk gives you more calories than a large plate of beans.
  9. Abdominal suction: In the past, women used to tie a band around their abdomen after giving birth, and actresses in films used to put a wide belt around their abdomen. We point out that packing from the outside is better than packing from the inside. One should be careful to constantly tighten the abdomen, which is an easy exercise that reduces the size of the abdomen and tightens the muscles, as it prevents sagging.
  10. Napping: The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, says: “Nap, for the devil does not nap.”… And the nap is one of the secrets of fitness and studies. Studies conducted in this field confirm that fatigue leads to slow activity in the area of the brain specialized in controlling willpower and urges, which makes a person more inclined to give in to even the simplest feeling of hunger if he is tired, due to lack of sleep. This problem is further complicated by the fact that people often use food as a means of obtaining energy when they are tired. Therefore, sleeping for a sufficient period of time eliminates the effects of exhaustion and fatigue, and thus reduces the tendency to overeat.
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